Highest Rated and Most Reviewed Assisted Living in Oklahoma!

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we Believe at the park that Senior Living Tulsa is full of fun and interesting new things to do. Because whenever it comes to Assisted Living , a facility that we have operated, we make sure that we are always providing great opportunities for our seniors to have a great time. because we know that it doesn’t have to be all of them and gloom whenever you move into the Senior Living Tulsa community. and there’s a lot of new friendships in new things that people can learn about themselves as well.

Not only that but we also feel like whenever you’re moving into a Senior Living Tulsa community that it should be something that you know is going to be a great thing for you and your family. because whenever you do you’re going to find out that you’re going to get a lot of new friends and a lot of new community members that are going to be people that you very much care about very much are a part of your life. i would like to mention that it is very often that whenever people move into our facility that they find out that they had a whole new life that they got to begin. instead of anything ending because whenever it comes to living at home and a big house all by yourself the fact is at that age there’s not a lot of people that come to visit. so the lifestyle can be very lonely.

I saw your family members to leave behind. is actually one that may not have been all that healthy for him in the first place. and it could be a really great thing that they are moving into our community for more than the reason that they need somebody to help them with their day-to-day care.

So whenever you think about relatives moving into a community like ours the only thing left to consider is whether or not you’re moving them into a really great facility or not. because that is going to change everything. so whenever you think about it you want to make sure that you check out and see if they are privately owned or corporately owned and if they are a corporate owned facility how often are the owners there. and that is going to be a huge deciding factor for you and your family.

We don’t have to tell you why. Because whenever owners are involved they are more personally dedicated to making sure that the seniors living in their facility have a quality of life that is worthy of their residents. We like to but you know that whenever they’re at our facility that they will be well taking care of them will love. because our staff is very pathetic and caring to our seniors that live here. and we always make sure that we are hiring people that not only see the value and your seniors’ wisdom but also are there to learn from them and I get to know them on a very personal level. Give us a call at 918-3249-1262 or go to the website at theparke.com.

Senior Living Tulsa | We have the best food, come join us for dinner

whenever it comes to being a senior in our community. you’re going to seriously love the food here because we have some really great shows that make sure that whenever they are cooking for our Senior Living Tulsa community that they are putting a little extra love and dedication into each pot. because whenever it comes to work getting and cooking for our seniors.,

They understand that just because they are seriously going to a facility does not mean that they do not have to pay to spend anymore. We want to make sure they’re there with us in their Senior Living Tulsa home, it’s going to be one of leisure and good food and good times. because whenever it can start moving into our facility we want to make sure that this is a brand new beginning that they’re in love.

We always make sure to get their input on our meal plan because we know that this is their dinner. and their breakfast. and it’s not ours and it is up to us to make sure that we are providing them with what they want. So whenever we are working on many things we always make sure that we are going to try to incorporate our resident’s favorite. no matter what we can almost always tell you that everybody in the Senior Living Tulsa community is going to have their favorite on the list at least once a month. and this is because we are trying very hard to make sure that they are not only cared for but also given the rights to have their input open to.

Because whenever it comes to dinner we understand that this is something that is the right to be except what they want to eat. and said we are here to make sure that they are able to eat it however they want to eat and enjoy it. We try to make meals as healthy as possible. but we also try to make them as enjoyable as possible too.

Because we are always trying to make sure that whenever we eat in a way that is going to be fun and healthy food. We also try to make sure that we are pairing with local grocery markets and farms to get the fresher food that we possibly can. This is helpful to the local markets and also to us. into something that we love to do. We have chefs that love to cook and are going to be here making sure that you’re seeing your loved one has the very best of their menu plan. and we would love it if you can join us and try some of our food for yourself to just see how it really is you will not regret it, give us a call so that we can get you on the dinner list at 918-249-1262 or go to the site at theparke.com.