Highest Rated and Most Reviewed Assisted Living in Oklahoma!

Schedule a Tour Meet the Owners

If you are looking for assisted living Tulsa that we are definitely a place for you. The Parke is an assistant living in Tulsa Oklahoma. Very susceptible right next to the mall on 71st Memorial. In fact we have over 20 years of serving our seniors. And we love what we do. Where family owned and operated business. We even live locally. They had the highest rated MS reviewed assistant living in all of Oklahoma and we would be able to take care of you, your loved ones, and anyone else’s needing help. We always have a positive environment and we love what we do.

assisted living Tulsa always do our best to have amazing food here at the assisted living Tulsa. In fact if you want to come for a tour either have a virtual tour or schedule a tour and he can even have one of a meal on us. We always get a lot of referrals and we love what we do. In fact we have over 40 testimonials and reviews on I website that we always recommend that you check us out. We are very confident we can help you in any needs that you are needing.

We have amazing apartments will even have very nice pictures on our website. In fact we want to be able to show you and tell you exactly all about it on your tour. You can even have a small dog and certain apartments. Understand that leaving your dog behind can be very hard that’s why we will be able to tell you that you can have a small dog in order to provide you the best happiness. We are in a great location and we even have great storage space. We love what we do and we want to continue doing it for a very long time.

We have clear and honest pricing and we want to be able to show you who we are. We live in a quiet neighborhood and we are very transparent. We want to be able to tell you about a clear pricing because we know a lot of places don’t have clear pricing and that’s why we want to show you who we are. We always have on-site health and wellness training therapy we do this because we understand the importance of maintaining a health and wellness. We understand that you can’t just sit down and not do anything that’s why we have a lot of things today. We always have in caring staff and elegant 1/4. We always one single level therefore no accidents can happen. We are all about our safety and our community and we care about all of them.

If you have any questions comments concerns not be afraid to contact us anytime. In fact we love what we do and we want to be able to help you best way possible. We love to be able to help people in need and want to be telling you that we had the best assisted living tulsa and all of Oklahoma. In fact we level with you so much that we can’t wait to be able to give you a tour. We are caring and helpful. Very kind and you’ll find that we can take excellent care of you and your loved ones. You can always contact the part either on our website were over the phone. We are the best assistant living Tulsa we want to show that to you. Our website is www.theparke.net. Of course if you want talk to personal representative don’t be afraid to contact us anytime. You can talk to them by our phone number which is 918-249-1262. We can’t wait to be able to help you in any on all of your needs that you have.

Assisted Living Tulsa

A very proud to tell you that our assistant living Tulsa cares. We love what would you want to continue helping you the best way possible. We are the best assistant living Tulsa for you, your loved ones, and any other people that are needing our help. In fact we are the highest rated MS reviewed assistant living in all of Oklahoma. We are very proud of that title and we will maintain it close to our hearts. We have over 20 years of serving seniors and green country and we want to continue serving our seniors for many more eight decades to come. We always have a positive and uplifting environment and we love what we do.

We are a family owned and operated for over 20 years. We always have clear and transparent pricing. Want to be fully honest with you and also a poster pricing on a website to best tell you. We know a lot of people don’t like to share information like that but we feel like it’s important to know. We always have the best great storage space for you or anyone else that needing anything. And we are in an amazing location. In fact we are 71st and Memorial in the heart of an amazing loving community. We live in a quiet neighborhood we always have on-site health wellness training therapy.

All of our assistant living Tulsa staff is carrying and love what they do. We always have elegant decor and we only have one single level here. We always maintain safety and our community and we are always carrying. We have a huge list of amenities and can’t wait to be able to get you started with us. In fact we love what we do and we even get a free guide if assistant living is for you.

We have over 40 reviews and testimonials we recommend that you check it out to find out exactly who we are and what we do. We believe that we are all like family here and that our assistant living Tulsa has an amazing calendar of events. We have huge amenities. In fact we are like family and we always start activities together we always have dinner together and we live genuinely together. Feel like a tour that up is free to contact us anytime. You can schedule a virtual tool order or a real life tour and even have a free meal on us. They can see how amazing our food is. We a lot of referrals here and we are proud of each and every person that comes here.

If you have any questions comments concerns shall be free to contact us anytime. You can always contact assistant living Tulsa by website or over the phone. The park website is www.theparke.net. Of course if you want to talk to personal representative ready to answer any questions or concerns you may have be free to contact us by a business telephone number. I business telephone number is 918-249-1262. We look forward to meeting you and giving you the best quality services because we care we love what we do. We have a lot of things to do we have a lot of shared space.