Here at Tulsa assisted living center by the name of The Parke Assisted Living we have an extensive calendar for activities for all residents and our community. If you always want to be able to know what is going on each month with our activity director as well as our...Read More
If you’re looking for Tulsa Assisted Living options that can take care of you, then The Parke Assisted Living is your view. You can see we have a beautiful setting for you to enjoy nature, and a relaxed environment. You can also see that we have a...Read More
If you want us Tulsa assisted living to grievance of the outcome of the you can do such as part of the chief of everything that they need. Maybe the type of person that likes to read and you want an extensive library. We have every. Reviewing the personnel explain...Read More
If you been looking into Tulsa Assisted Living for your family member or for yourself and you are trying to figure out who is the best in the industry, you come to us here parking. We’re gonna give you the ultimate beards were to make sure that all the questions...Read More
If Tulsa Assisted Living is what you been looking for, you come to us here at The Parke Assisted Living. We’re gonna give you the ultimate expense when you are trying to find some of your love to live and we know that you are going to thoroughly enjoy the...Read More
We we know that we are always open and available to you for any questions and concerns he might have. If you’re thinking about sending one of your loved ones to our facility to live, the know that we have 24 hour staff available to answer your calls and to...Read More